The Barbados Light & Power Company Limited

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Billing Under the Renewable Energy Rider

Customers who sell power to BL&P's grid are billed either under the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) programme or the pre-existing Renewable Energy Rider (RER). The rates paid to customers for power from renewable energy (RE) sources are determined by the Fair Trading Commission (FTC), while customers continue to purchase power from BL&P at existing electricity rates. Customers are billed under one of the two arrangements described below:  

Buy All/Sell All Arrangement

Customers under the Buy All/Sell All arrangement are billed at their regular electricity rate (inclusive of VAT) for all the energy consumed, regardless of the source. They then receive a credit on the bill for all the electricity generated from the RE system at the FIT or RER credit rate. Currently, customers with systems larger than 3kW must be billed under this arrangement.   


Customers with renewable energy systems 3kW or smaller are permitted to choose the "Sale-of-Excess" billing arrangement. Under this arrangement, customers are billed at their regular electricity rate (inclusive of VAT) for what they use from the grid and receive a credit for the excess electricity sold to the grid (i.e., the electricity generated from their RE system that they did not use).  


Customers under rates in place prior to January 1st, 2023, will maintain their existing arrangements with BL&P for 20 years. The start date for the 20-year period is based on the system's commission date. 

Rates Prior to October 1, 2019: 

  • $0.416/kWh rate for solar photovoltaic 

  • $0.315/kWh rate for wind 

Rates from October 1, 2019 – December 31, 2023: 

  • FIT rates in place prior to January 1st, 2023, can be accessed on the FTC’s website. 

  • Click the links for more information on previous rates: 

Your rate is determined by your license date where a license is required or your application date where no license is required. 

Feed-In Tariffs (FIT) Effective January 1 2023

FTC has determined FIT rates, effective from January 1st, 2023. The applicable categories and rates are as follows:

Customers 1 MW and Below


1st January 2023 – 31st December 2025 FIT (BDS cents/kWh)

Allocation (MW)

Solar, Up to 10 kW



Solar, Above 10 kW to 100 kW


Solar, Above 100 kW to 250 kW


Solar, Above 250 kW to 500 kW


Solar, Above 500 kW to 1 MW


Land-Based Wind, Up to 10 kW


Land-Based Wind, Above 10 kW to 1 MW


Customers Above 1 MW up to 10 MW


Size Category

January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 FIT (BDS cents/kWh)

Allocation (MW)

Solar PV

Above 1 MW and up to 5 MW



Land-Based Wind

Above 1 MW and up to 5 MW


Solar PV

Above 5 MW and up to 10 MW


Land-Based Wind

Above 5 MW and up to 10 MW


Visit FTC Barbados for more information on the decisions and orders governing the rates above.

BL&P refunds customers on a quarterly basis as long as the credit balance is equal to or greater than $100.00.



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